Word from the Pastor

...a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."

Whether we like it or not, things change. Somethings for the better, somethings for the worst. 

The Latin word Ecclesiastes means "speaker before an assembly," or preacher. The preacher, Solomon, was the wisest, richest, and most influential King in Israel's history. He looks at life from the human perspective and declares it all to be vanity or empty. But if we look at life from God's perspective, it takes on meaning and purpose. Our purpose at Jeannette Assembly of God is Loving God, Loving People, Living it Daily.

When we live out our purpose, life is good and we become a stimulus for godly change. Skepticism and despair melt away when life is viewed as a daily gift from God.

Deb and I have a card hanging on our refrigerator door that says: 


I will be handling all your

problems today so have fun

and enjoy.

I Love you, God

 (By Wayne W. Dyer)

As you enter this month of March, and every day of your life, make sure you invite Jesus into all the decisions and choices you make. You will be glad you did.

It's time to thrive in '25.

Be Blessed,

Pastor TJ Kroll